Possess the Best Brand NEW Soundstream Di175.1 175 Watt Rms True Digital Mono Amplifier with High Rail Voltage and 18 Db / Octave Crossover *Sounds More Like 350 Rms* For You
It could be so simple to check out a brand new Brand NEW Soundstream Di175.1 175 Watt Rms True Digital Mono Amplifier with High Rail Voltage and 18 Db / Octave Crossover *Sounds More Like 350 Rms* and put it off as merely another product that is the same as most of the others in the marketplace, especially if there are many editions already offered. Not only does having a significant assortment often make it challenging for the buyer to choose what kind to purchase, it means that being a maker we have to continue to work harder to produce a product that is much greater than many of the remainder of them in the marketplace.
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Trying to keep this in mind, manufacturer has decided that we should not just generate another copy of the products that happen to be available. As an alternative that which we desired to carry out is present you with the ultimate Brand NEW Soundstream Di175.1 175 Watt Rms True Digital Mono Amplifier with High Rail Voltage and 18 Db / Octave Crossover *Sounds More Like 350 Rms*. Our research group considered what was already being manufactured then considered everything you really wanted in this style of merchandise before they even began to draw out the first design. Their only goal ended up being offer you a product that was unlike any you have ever seen.
Our company is thrilled to manage to claim that what they created will be the best Brand NEW Soundstream Di175.1 175 Watt Rms True Digital Mono Amplifier with High Rail Voltage and 18 Db / Octave Crossover *Sounds More Like 350 Rms* available today. We have integrated all of the characteristics you have been dreaming of for many years after which added in several of our own extra unique variations we are positive you can find make our most up-to-date merchandise worth the remarkably affordable price we are requesting for the item.
BRAND NEW SOUNDSTREAM DI175.1 175 WATT RMS TRUE DIGITAL MONO AMPLIFIER WITH HIGH RAIL VOLTAGE AND 18 dB / OCTAVE CROSSOVER*SOUNDS MORE LIKE 350 RMS*Features:175 Watts RMS @ 2 ohms mono amplifierSounds more like 250-350 watts RMSBuilt In Crossovers: YesPWM Power Supply3 Stage Protection CircuitSMD TechnologyMIL-Spec Fiberglass Circuit BoardTrue Digital SwitchingHigh Rail Voltage2 Ohm StableCompact ChassisFull MOSFET CircuitryHigh Level InputLine OutputBass Boost @ 45Hz +6dB or +12dB18dB Crossover Centered at 80HzTHD < 0.5%Frequency response: 40 Hz - 250 HzDimensions are 7.3 x 2.3 x 9
- PWM Power Supply
- 2 Ohm Stable
- High Level Input
- Bass Boost @ 45Hz +6dB or +12dB
- Dimensions are 7.3 x 2.3 x 9