Soundstream MPQ-7XO 7 Band Parametric Equalizer, the product is offered to meet the expanding want of our buyers and to make their life easier. We treat our goods as we would an employee, using a job to do, a cost to the organization, and a benefit to our buyers. Our Soundstream MPQ-7XO 7 Band Parametric Equalizer is no longer the province of wholesalers, retail dealers and those with unique membership with us. Now our site is exactly where anybody can browse, try, acquire and get to know the product and its worth, whilst we aim to meet the altering wants of our buyers.
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Brand New Soundstream MPQ-7XO 7 Band Parametric Equalizer Features * 7 Band Parametric Equalizer * Isolated PWM power supply * 18db bass boost * Volume control with up to 8 volts RMS of output * Specific bandwidth for each band * Minimum distortion assured with low noise BI-FET op-amp design * Subwoofer outputs and level controls * Subwoofer frequency selection switch (32Hz, 64Hz, 128Hz) * Input selector support Aux or CD * Universal half DIN chassis allows easy of installation * RCA input and output connectors are Gold-plated * Signal Overload eliminated by 20dB headroom * Signal To Noise Ratio: 115dB * Maximum output voltage: 8V * THD:0.01%
- 7 Band Parametric Equalizer
- Volume control with up to 8 volts RMS of output
- 18db bass boost
- Low noise BI-FET op-amp design yields minimum distortion
- Specific bandwidth for each band
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