Our Current Power Acoustik NAVIBOX-1 Navigation Add-On Module Will make Your Daily Life Much better
The moment you purchased your first Power Acoustik NAVIBOX-1 Navigation Add-On Module you probably believed it was likely to save you both time and money, after all this was in fact the whole point behind the purchase of a product in the first place. While it's true those early on versions did make an improvement and made your life a little easier, at Manufacturer we believed that it just wasn't good enough. You deserved something which was not just likely to save you effort, but would definitely make your life more effective.
Even though there are numerous alternative Power Acoustik NAVIBOX-1 Navigation Add-On Module available today, we think that what we did is considered the top portions of the many various products in existence and used them to develop our most up-to-date version. Something that we did observe with the amount of the other products on the market is that they try to impress you with extensive displays of "special" options they have added in.
Our hottest Power Acoustik NAVIBOX-1 Navigation Add-On Module comes with a unique number of options, but rather than loading it up that includes a lots of worthless features, we invested in incorporating solely those our buyers told us they needed. We then concentrated on ensuring that each of these attributes functioned perfectly, so that you would finally be able to buy the one item that was created with merely one thing in mind which is to spare no expense in making Your Daily Life simply that touch better than it was.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $749.99
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Add-on navigation module.
- Touch Screen Control With Compatible Head Units
- 2 Gb Secure Digital(Tm) Card With Us and Canada Maps, As Well As 7 Million Points Of Interest
- 20 Parallel Receiving Channels
- Os 2.6.X Linux Based Software 400 Mhz Processor For Fast Recalculation Times
- Sirf Star Iii Chip Set
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