With pride Carry the most up-to-date XXX-15000D - Soundstream Monoblock 15000 Watt Class D Amplifier
We are proud to tell you we currently Carry the latest XXX-15000D - Soundstream Monoblock 15000 Watt Class D Amplifier from manufacturer at substantially lowered costs. If you've been waiting to acquire one of them up until the price was best, there has hardly ever been a more suitable time than right now. When you look at the reduced price we can bring the product to you for, you will realize exactly how being able to purchase it at this all-time low price could make it one of the better deals you have run into in a number of years.
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
There are numerous models of this product in the marketplace; but there's just one made by a really highly regarded name in the profession. Many reasons exist why you ought to get your brand new XXX-15000D - Soundstream Monoblock 15000 Watt Class D Amplifier from a manufacturer that you simply recognize and depend on. To begin with you will be getting merchandise manufactured by a business you know you can rely on as you most likely curently have knowledge about a selection of their items.
The XXX-15000D - Soundstream Monoblock 15000 Watt Class D Amplifier from manufacturer just isn't a different edition of the identical ones which are already available. the product has been remodeled from the beginning to provide you with a host of modern characteristics that can allow it to be significantly more useful than any one of these products that you have used during the past. Considering the high demand and the truth that the product comes strongly recommended we're confident that you will be absolutely delighted.
- Soundstream XXX Series Monoblock Class D Car Amplifier
- All "N" channel unregulated MOSFET power supply
- Dash mount bass remote included
- LED power indicators
- Dimensions: 32-11/16"L x 12-5/8"W x 2-3/4"H
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